Wednesday, July 2, 2014

E-reader vs old fashion paper

Which is better the e-book or good old fashion paper books?

Such a debate.  Something that has divided friendships, ruined families…okay maybe not that far, but some people have gotten heated over this topic.  Which is better for reading an ebook like the Kindle or Nook or old fashion paper?

For me personally, nothing can be better than holding a book in my hands.  That new book smell (I know I am that crazy woman who sniffs books at Barnes and Noble) or the feel of old books.  There are times when I find an old book that I cannot help but run my hand over the cover and pages. Or just flip through the pages to hear the sound they make.  Now I do have an e-reader.  I was given a Nook as a gift and I do enjoy reading some books off of there and have gotten some books free for it and downloaded a few from my local library. 

Holding an e-reader is a lot different, turning pages are different.  I spent 8 hours a day or more looking at a screen for work, so sometimes it is hard for to keep looking at a screen for leisure.  I also don’t want to take an electric into a bubble bath with me that just sounds dangerous for my wellbeing don’t you think?  But there are advantages to having one; it is easy to take places I know I will be waiting like when I get my oil changed.  Sometimes carrying a big huge book into a garage is bit difficult sometimes so having this little thing makes it so much easier. 

SO I would say I am on the fence while I still love the feel of having actual book in my hands, seeing my shelves full of books and books everywhere in my house, the little e-reader does make it easy sometimes.  So what do you all think which is better?

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