Friday, September 7, 2018

Fifth to Die

Title: Fifth To Die
Author: J.D Barker
Genre: Mystery, thriller, suspense
Source: Paperback, Publisher
Rating: 5 out of 5 paws

The feds have taken over the 4MK case and Porter and his team are not happy about it, but they hand it over, except Porter can't.  When a young woman is found frozen in a lake new questions arise.  How did she end up in the late when it froze a month or 2 prior to her body being placed there?  Is it 4MK, has he changed his MO? The detectives begin working every angle to try to solve this case, and Porter continues to try and find Bishop.  When he is discovered he is taken off of both cases, but that doesn't stop him.  He follows a lead that takes him into the heart of Bishop's past.  Meanwhile, back in Chicago, girls are disappearing and being murdered it doesn't seem like Bishop's work, but there is something eerily similar.  The detectives race against the clock to find out who is kidnapping these girls.

I read Fourth Monkey Killer and absolutely loved it.  I instantly fell in love with JD Barker's writing, and he's a local author so bonus points.  I would say before you read Fifth to DIe, you need to read the first book.  They reference things that are mentioned in the first book that you need to know about to understand their significance to the story.  I was so excited to get an ARC version of the book to review and couldn't be happier. 

I could not put this book down and found myself staying up til 3 am trying to finish it. There is so much going on and the cliffhanger he leaves us on OMG! Seriously!!  I cannot wait to read book three and find out what happens next and how everything relates to one another.  Barker is an expert and making his reader want more.

So okay we know about Bishop aka 4MK getting away and Porter basically having to deal with people thinking he let Bishop get away. He is told to leave the case to the feds but he can't something just doesn't add up for him about one of the girls. When more girls are taken things look eerily similar, but he is convinced these new killings are not Bishop. They couldn't be right? We get a first hand look at the obsession Porter has, he simply cannot let it go and knows there is more to Bishop than meets the eye.  He doesn't share anything he knows with anyone else...why?  Why can't he even tell Nash about what he thinks he found?  I think deep down he knows there is something more to Bishop, and to himself and is afraid to admit it.  We also see Bishop's own obsession with Porter which makes one wonder, why.  Why latch on to Porter, what is his significance to Bishop?

There were so many things in this book that makes it completely unique down to the use of classic poetry as a clue from Bishop to Porter. I love all the tiny clues the reader is given then once we start putting things together it's fantastic. I liked the small religious elements makes me wonder if the killer is a religious fanatic, we get an idea of why he wants the girls to "see", but then how does he know they are lying (well we know how he knew Katie was lying).  I love the idea/feel that there is a connection somehow to everyone involved in the story, one way or another and most of those we don't find out yet. Can we say frustrating JD! But then again this makes me anxious and CRAVE the next book like I crave chocolate cake. 

JD Barker takes his readers on a thrilling ride through multiple character views to give readers the full story instead of just bits and pieces. I like his use of the diary to help give a further backstory to Bishop, almost like flashbacks without really having to do a flashback. I am very interested to see where the story will continue to go.  Barker is a master story teller than drags his readers into the depths of his stories.  You will lose time, you will forget everything around you and wonder what will happen next.  You will be on the edge of your seat waiting.



Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thinblade (Sovereign of the Seven Isles #1)

Title: Thinblade
Author: David Wells
Genre: Fantasy
Source: Kindle eBook
Rating: hmm 3.5 out of 5 paws

While out hunting Darius is shot and kill with a poison arrow.  While Alexander and his family mourn the lose of the heir they discover an ancient evil has came back into the world.  Alexander is now marked as the protector of the realm, and the one who could defeat this evil.  He travels to the mountain city of Glen Morillian and discovers before he can claim his throne he must find the Thinblade. Seven were forged to help protect royal bloodlines from evil forces. But the Thinblade was lost to years ago and no one knows where it is hidden.  Alexander begins his quest looking for the Thinblade and gaining alliances all the while fighting against the powers of a necromancer. 

I had this book on my kindle for quite a while from bookbub and it took me some time before I picked it out of the hundreds of books on there.  I almost forgot about it!  I like the idea of this novel: ancient evil has come back and young princling must learn to wield a special sword to defeat him among other things.  There is a lot that happens in this book from various battles to Alexander learning so much about himself.  It is a great beginning to a series.  I am looking forward to getting the other books and finding out what happens next. Lets start by talking about the cover.  Just look at it house gorgeous is it?  No wonder it caught my eye, I want to go there!!

Okay now to the story, it was evenly paced, some parts were slower than others but it seemed to keep an consistent pace throughout the novel.  There was a lot of telling rather than showing, but for me it seemed to work.  Everything was described in great detail, down to the food.  While this may become a little burdensome, it really drew me into the story.  It made me feel like I was there and could almost smell the feast that was happening.  There is some depth to the world that we don't get to see yet, but I am sure we will see in upcoming novels.  Some things we learn as characters learn them and I absolutely love it.  It makes feel like I am sitting beside Alexander listening to stories being told.  It is definitely a TELLING story, and I wonder if that will change once we have all the information we need and get into the heart of the epic tale.

The magic is a bit interesting in this in that mages aren't born with this innate talent (well some are) but develop it through trial and fasting.  The more talented you are the more specialized your magic is which is rather interesting.  I would have liked to have seen more of this throughout the story.  I also like the alchemy aspect of this with the potions and herb usage.  I like that Alexander appears to be rather powerful, but at this point he is too powerful for one who hasn't trained in his magic.

I would recommend it for those who like novels along the lines of Dragonlance.

Monday, September 3, 2018


See the source image

Happy Labor Day everyone. The Literary Cats and I will be taking advantage of the day and getting some much needed rest and relaxation in.  So many books to read so little time!  Enjoy your day, and let me know what books are you reading today?

Edge of Summer By Viola Shipman

  Title: Edge of Summer Author:  Viola Shipman Source:  Paperback Genre:  General Fiction Rating:  5 enthusiastic paws up Sutton Douglas is ...