Author: Stephen King
Genre: Mystery
Source: Library Book: Paperback
Rating: 3 out of 5 paws
Two older newspaper journalists are telling their protégé about the most interesting unsolved mystery their town has even seen: the choking death of a mystery man on an island of the coast of Maine. They go through the investigation and the ins an outs of what makes this death so mysterious. The further along the investigation gets, the more mysterious the circumstances get. What was a man from Colorado doing in Maine? How did he get a piece of sandwich stuck in throat, and where was the rest of it? Was it an accident or was it something more sinister.
I wanted to read this book so much because of a television show. I had watched the show "Haven" on syfy and after one of the episodes it said based on this book. I loved the show and thought the book would be similar or have the same subject material, but it didn't. The only similarities were the town's name and the journalist names. Nothing else matched up between the two, which is fine but I was a little disappointed. Plus this was my first Stephen King novel. I figured I would take an easy step into this remarkable author's writing.
I did have to chuckle because one of the character's names was David Bowie, who if you know me, I am OBSESSED with the musician, so that got my interest and enjoyment off the bat. I liked how King made the story mysterious, all the way to the end readers are unable to pick up on what happened. He kept everything in the dark and created a certain atmosphere of the unknown. He kept me in suspense, but at the same time there were no answers. I enjoy a mystery that has an answer, like a puzzle. I am a little OCD when it comes to needing a puzzle to be complete and while I know the whole point of the story is that the case is left as an unknown mystery, I was hoping there would be some sort of conclusion that would be satisfying. It was a little lackluster, and I expected something more from an author so infamous and renowned for his writing.
It seemed to drag on and not have anything resolved from it, I felt a little let down. I know this is my first novel by Stephen King, but it will not be the last. I will try another one of his novels, maybe a different genre. Horror might be his expertise, but based on what I read of this novella, mystery may not be his forte. While it was entertaining enough to read, but it was not something that will standout with me as one of the best books/stories that I have read this year.