Monday, April 2, 2018

The Magicians Land

Title: The Magician's Land
Author: Lev Grossman
Genre: Fantasy
Source: Ebook
Rating: 3 out of 5 paws

This is the third book in the Magician's trilogy.  Quentin is cast out of Fillory and working as a teacher at Brakebills, until he gets cast out of there as well.  After being cast out of Brakebills he joins a quest to steal back a chest with some things in it, what the things are he doesn't know.  While on the quest he meets Plum who was a wonderful student at Brakebills but was also cast out.  Their quest takes them back to Brakebills South, but what they discover about the box changes things.  Quentin tries even more to bring Alice back from being a niffin, but in the process he discovers how to create a magical utopia.  Meanwhile, Fillory is dying.  Eliot and Janet are trying to find a way to save Fillory from dying and Quentin just might be their answer.

I must preface this by saying I accidently borrowed the wrong book.  I meant to borrow book 2 "The Magician's King" but the library system had the book labeled wrong and I read out of order so for a while I was VERY lost in what was happening or what had happened.  Despite not reading the second book, this one felt....bland and unpleasant.  I kept saying I wanted to quit reading but my friend insisted that I finish reading it.  There were parts of the story that felt like it could have been way more exciting than it was such as the suitcase quest, it could have been way better, but it fell short of expectations. 

The only parts I did enjoy involved Fillory, Eliot and Janet, granted they are my favorite things about the series as a whole (including the television show).  Janet really stepped up in her bad-assness with her kick ass weapons and really taking on the role of High Queen of Fillory.  Eliot I felt fell a little flat In his awesomeness, maybe I am too used to the actor who plays him.  That is part of the downfall of reading a series after beginning to watch a movie or tv show based on the series.  You already gain an image in your head of that character and for this series they don't add up.  I prefer the TV show actors to the characters described in the book.   

The ending is almost predictable in what would happen.  While the story itself built up to the end, it was predictable from the beginning and left me feeling unsatisfied.  I wanted something more from the end, something grander.  What I think I should do is read the series when I am NOT watching the tv show so I am not as bias.   Overall I would recommend it.  Grossman is a great storyteller and has created an interesting world that I wish I could escape to sometimes.  If you enjoy fantasy definitely pick this series up but if you enjoy the show, maybe wait til later to read it.

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