Genre: Fantasy, Play
Source: Library Hardback
Rating:2 out of 5 paws
It is several years after the Battle at Hogwarts and the trios kids are going to Hogwarts. Harry's son Albus struggles with living up to the Potter name and how to discover who he is in the wizarding world. When he befriends Draco Malfoy's son Harry believes he is in danger. But daner begins when the boys steal a time turner to go back to the Triwizard Tournament to try and save Cedric Diggory, thus changing time and setting off a series of events. Harry and Draco both must learn the truth about themselves and their sons.
This was not at all what I was expecting. I am not normally a fan of plays so it was a little more difficult for me to read through this one and get a feel for the setting and how events transpired. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did, and honestly I did not fancy it all that much. I feel a little disappointed in it. It was hard to relate to characters or get interested in them. This is definitely not one that I would purchase for myself. I thrive on a story having description, something that pulls me into the story makes me long to read more and this didn't do it beyond wanting to know where the authors were taking this story...morbid curiosity?
There were moments that made me smile and appreciate a little humor, but there was nothing that hit me in the feels or made me gasp and HAVE to turn the page. I wanted something more compelling and a little less predictable. It was almost too easy to predict what was going to happen and how. I disliked how the characters were portrayed, Harry was a total douche-bag to Albus and even Ginny at times. Ron was an imbecile, and oblivious to everything around him, and Draco I don't even know who the Draco was in this book.
I expected something similar to the originals, kids in class experiencing what it means to be a wizard, sure Albus dealing with living in the shadow of his father same with Scorpius along with the other stuff that happened, but that is not what we get. We aren't even in all. It's immediately thrown into the story of polyjuice potion (of course), stealing, time turners, flashbacks, and of course Voldemort. By the third or fourth act Albus is already a fourth year, so we get NOTHING of his struggles at Hogwarts other than him saying it's horrible. BUT WHY? I would have liked a new villain, one that had no association with Voldemort. It felt like this was an opportunity to create something new out of the Harry Potter universe, but it relies too heavily on reliving the past or rather trying to change it.
There was a few things that I didn't like at all one of which a comment Harry makes about not having a father figure and not knowing how to be one......SAY WHAT??? Do we need to rehash almost every man in Harry's life? I was not happy with this book and it makes me sad. I am glad I borrowed this from the library rather than purchasing it for myself. I was curious about it, and know I know this was not a play for me. I don't even want to see the play on broadway. If you are a Harry Potter fan, I would not recommend this.