Bowman's Inn is a collection of short stories from several amazing authors. Anything can happen at Bowman's Inn you might even find your soul mate. This anthology includes stories with magic, romance, even a little action and adventure. There is definitely something for every reading tastes within this collection.
I normally am not one for collections or short stories, i always feel like I'm left wanting more, needing more from characters. Not with this collection, sure i want a grander story with each of these characters, but i wasn't left feeling like the stories were only half told. I was able to get fully interested in the characters and fall in love with them equally.
I am already familiar with RA Winter's writing and she didn't disappoint. I absolutely loved her story. The exchange between the two about babies made me giggle, and then tugged at my heart! I loved this story and want more from Han and Ann. Maybe something of them finding one another in this lifetime.
It was a pleasure getting to know some other authors througg their writi6like Bel Cosi and E.D. Vaughn. Its hard with an anthology to talk about every author who contributed but everyone had a unique story that fit in with the feel and tone of the other stories. Everything matched well and didn't feel like a jumble of different stories. It really did feel like Val was moving between people helping them find their loves.
I would definitely suggest checking this book out, i had the honor of being able to read it. I will give it a 4 out of 5 for a rating. I am hoping to be able to read the next edition in the Bowman's Inn series.