Rowen Greensmith is an aspiring journalist and is beyond happy to have gotten away from her family, and their reputation. But when her aunt calls about 2 dead bodies, Rowen returns to home for the story and to help her family avoid the press. Her whole family, and Eric Richardson get pulled into the a story of supernatural intrigue.
So this book was relatively shorter, coming in at alittle over 100 pages. It is easy to fall in love with the idea of this family of women being pulled into a supernatural mystery. But the idea and execution are two different things. The writing itself was a hit and miss. Something's were great while other things not so much. The tone was very monotonous and hard to really get into. There is a lot of build up to what happened only for the reader to be let down with the "big reveal" it wasn't all that big if you pay attention.
There is a romance in the story, and I guess almost every story needs to have a budding romance in some form or another. The characters aren't really all that deep, nor do they grow throughout the story. Rowen decides to quit her job after a few short days of her family having a sort of see-saw effect of welcoming her and not welcoming her. They didn't seem all that warm enough to quit a job. Once the book ended I had more questions that answers. There isn't much to the story other than Eric and Rowen just driving around. I would have liked a little more from the ghosts speaking or interacting with the characters more, or more aspects of the women being witches. That part of the story seems important, but isn't used much.
If you like a book that is incredibly easy to read and that you don't need to put a lot of effort into it, then sure pick up this book. But if you want something with a little more meat to it, then this isn't for you. Personally, I give this book a 2 out 5 stars. I was not a fan of it.