This story is a supposed retelling of Rumplestiltskin, but I feel as though I have read this story before. It may be because I am so familiar with the tale and this book doesn't really deviate from the tale. It is remains close to the tale we all know with a few exceptions. I admit it felt like to story progressed a little slow for me with details that are mundane. It wasn't until Aoife began learning about the Duke and his birth that I felt like the story really picked and got interesting for me. I didn't really feel I could relate or connect with Aoife. I had a hard time with her loving Rumple, and despising the Duke then doing a complete 180 after she had married the Duke.
There are a few twists and turns as the readers discover the truth behind the connection between Rumple and the Duke. Rumple claims to love Aoife, but denies her love and becomes somewhat controlling telling her the only way they could be together is if she sacrifices her family. If the man knew her all these years and loved her he wouldn't make this kind of request. I like that the book showed Aoife's struggle, but she doesn't cave to his demand. Too often I see books where the girl gives in to whatever the guy wants simply to make him happy. WRONG!
I am not sure how I feel about the book. I admit I skipped a few pages just to get past some things that didn't seem to fit in with the story. I have mixed feelings about and not sure what kind of rating I would give this novel.
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