Illarion is a dragon, who was force to become human, and then again forced to serve those same humans as a mount during their battles. Understandably he becomes bitter as he is separated from his dragonkin and everything he ever knew. He then is forced into the fey realm where he looses the one woman he loved...
Where do I begin with this one. I couldn't give a more detailed synopsis because I honestly did not finish the book and that saddens me greatly. I have been a fan of Kenyon since Fantasy Lover and all the way through the other Dark Hunter novels, but this...this book was shear crap and not up to the standards that I have held Kenyon. This is probably her worst novel yet. It is LITERALLY copy and paste from other books. There were chapters from Dragonsbane and Son of No One. Oh you might think those sections were rewritten with Illarion's point of view WRONG! He was barely in his own book! I actually pulled my copies of Son of No One and Dragonsbane from my shelf and compared the three....word for word the same info from those books in this one. It is not an original story so to speak. Honestly how dare Kenyon do this to her readers.
I cannot in good conscience recommend this book to anyone. I don't even want to rate the book, so 0 out of 5 because there was no effort in this. Granted in the past we have seen scene from other stories in with other books like Acheron, but never has she copied and pasted verbatim. The scenes were always rewritten from the view of Acheron or whatever hunter the book was about. I couldn't be more disappointed in this author. This may be the book that makes me no longer read her work.
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