Title: The Flight Girls
Author: Noelle Salazar
Genre: Historical Fiction
Source: Paperback
Rating: 5 out of 5
Audrey Coltrane dreamt of flying all her lift. Her life belonged in the sky. That is why she begged her dad to teach her to fly. It is alway why she signed up to train military pilots in Hawaii. Then she suddenly finds herself in the air over Pearl Harbor as the bombs dropped, and now nowhere seems safe. Audrey joins the WOmen Airforce Service Pilots program. While in the program she bonds with her fellow pilots. Giving her hope in the face of turmoil until the handsome Lieutenant James Hart goes missing in action. Now she finds herself on the front lines fighting not just for her country, but for the man she loves dearly.
I recently began reading historical fiction, it normally isn't my type of genre. But there are a few novels that speak out to me and when I read them my heart aches for the characters. The Flight Girls was that kind of novel for me. It was a novel that made me want to learn more about the Women Airforce Service Pilots which paved the way for women in the Airforce, how cool is that. This wasn't something I learned about in school so of course I wanted to learn more about them.
The way Noelle Salazar writes her story puts readers right into the story. I cannot tell you how many times I cried throughout this book and even told my mom she needed to read it and prepare herself. This was a book that gets you excited, and breaks your heart. You keep thinking things will go one way and then they don't. Noelle Salazar writes a beautiful novel that honestly touches your soul. The way she writes draws out all your emotions and leaves you raw. The characters seem like someone you could be friends with, in fact, I could see my best friend as the main character and that is something that helped this novel hit home for me.
Upon finishing this novel, readers will crave more from Noelle. Once in a while a novel comes along that drives you wild, one that you say should be read and The Flight Girls is one of those novels. It is a WW2 novel unlike any other novel I have read in this genre and actually makes me want to read more. If you like historical fictions, check this book out. If you never read historical fiction still read this book, it will change your mind, it did mine.
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