Title: Dead Fish
Author: Ruth Carrington
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Source; Ebook via Netgalley
Rating: 2 out of 5 paws
Upon arriving home, Geoffrey Quinn is immediately arrested on the murder of his wife and children His wife was found burned in the boiler, the children remain missing. Alison Hope is a young defender assigned to the case, she is skeptical about his innocence as the evidence is compelling. As she continues to investigate the crime, she discovers a darker world within the wealthy in the community. Time is running out fast and Alison must unravel the mystery before it is too late and Quinn is convicted of a crime he didn't commit.
I had such high hopes for this novel, and sadly was disappointed. Not only does the story come off as cliché, it isn't compelling enough to keep me engaged. I found it difficult to finish the novel and almost didn't on several occasions. There are some interesting ideas throughout the novel, but they were not portrayed in a good manner.
The flow of the story was rather choppy, it would be fast paced and exciting one minute then sluggish and slow the next. I struggled to stay interested in the characters as they seem too ordinary, there was nothing that made me relate to them or feel any emotion towards them. I think if Carrington went back through and added more depth to the characters this would be a different story. It honestly does start off well, but then slowly drops off and declines. There was a lot of different vices used throughout such as alcohol, drugs, sex etc, I understand that was the point, but it came to feel like it was a bit too much, too difficult to keep track and interested. There were WAAY to many red herrings, and I began to wonder when we were going to get to the point of the tale.
Overall it was an interesting idea, granted one done before but I had hoped Carrington would do it differently, add a unique twist to it that made me go "WOW" unfortunately that did not happen. While I think there are people who would enjoy this novel and would recommend other readers to give it a shot and see it fairs with them. It just was not my cup of tea.
** I received this book from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review**
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