Bowman's Inn is a collection of short stories from some amazing authors The idea is that all the stories correlate with the Bowman Inn, where folks help Anteros find love. Each story deals with magic, myths and legends, love at first sight and more. You will find yourself pulled into each of the stories wanting more from the characters. Because it is a collection of short stories, it is easy to put the book down and pick it back up where you left off without feeling like you missed out on something. I am not one for short story collections, but I do love this book and highly recommend it. It is a great way to discover new romance authors that you will be sure to fall in love with, I know I did. I look forward to other installments of the Bowman's Inn and find myself looking for books by some of the authors included.

Jacob is the veterinarian for a circus, Marlena is the star of the show. When the circus takes on an elephant Marlena becomes the rider of the animal and Jacob must train her. A bond forms between the man and woman as well as the humans and animal. This is a romantic story with a little bit more added into it. This was one of those books that is difficult to put down. I know it's not as popular now, but I still think it was a fantastic novel to read and a great movie to watch (though I prefer the book). It is one of those books that you find yourself on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next with Jacob and Marlena as well as with the elephant. The characters are one that will stick with you well after finishing the novel. Rosie is as much a character as the humans were and provides humor and heart warming moments.

This is one that is still on my to read list. From the synopsis it is about a college girl who find herself drawn to the bad boy Travis who is tattooed, spends his nights fighting and charming women across campus. he ends up making a bet with Abby that if she wins he's abstinent for a month if he wins she lives with him for a month. Interesting bet. I am not sure what the book holds or what type of romance novel this is. I am interested in seeing what it holds, and look forward to checking it out, so you may see a review of it in the future! If you happen to have read it or read it soon, let me know what you think of it.
There are many great novels out there that it's hard to touch upon all of them and give an adequate recommendation for novels of any genre. These are just a few that I have enjoyed and one that I am looking forward to reading. What are some romance novels you would recommend? Leave your recommendations in the comments.
Happy Reading!
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