AUthor: Ted Dekker
Genre: Christian Thriller, Christian Fiction
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
As we enter the world of Sinner we follow the mysterious Marsuvees Black. He uses his words to seek destruction more than he uses guns or other weapons. This story takes place 13 years after the first book, and we see Billy Darcy and Johnny once again. Billy, Johnny, and Darcy survive the monastery project that tests is isolated children could say no to forbidden fruit or if they would fall into temptation. The three survivors now take on Marsuvees Black and try as they can to stand up for what is right and just. But will they be strong enough to fight against him? Or will his powers of persuasion and manipulation get the best of everyone?
I have said this before in some of my other reviews of Ted Dekker's work, he has got to be one of my all time favorite authors. I started with this series and it had me hooked from the very beginning. It has been said that you don't have to read the series in order, but I personally believe it is best to read them in order. That way you get a clear understanding of what is happening and how each character relates to one another. As well as the events leading up to what happens in Sinner.
Something I love about this author is that he can discuss things that real and important to us today such as the issue of tolerance and hate speech. I think he does a great job at portraying the dangers of what could happen if we continue on the path that we are one. There is a difference between tolerance, and love. He does a good job at getting this message across. Normally he uses metaphors and subtlety when adding in the Christian elements, but in this novel they weren't subtle and they weren't really metaphorical. It seemed to be lacking something that the other two books had. Granted I love the book nonetheless, but something seemed to be missing in this one.
All the characters are interesting and compelling. I am happy we get to see more of Black in this series and I am kind of hoping he returns in other books, almost like that recurring bad guy that seems to haunt everyone's dreams. Every time I read this book, or rather the series, I get more and more interested in him. He is a fantastic character and I want more. Sinner is a good ending to the other books, though it almost feels like it should be book two rather than book three, but I am sure Dekker had a reason for setting it up the way he did.
Overall I think it's a great book and highly recommend the book, series, and author to anyone who enjoys a good read whether you believe in Christianity or not. I don't think the elements that he incorporates takes away from the story if anything it might enhance it a little bit. You never know if you like a book until you read it.
Happy Reading!
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