It wouldn't be Christmas without a review of a Christmas novel. Normally I would not go for a sappy love story like this one, but I decided to step outside the comfort zone and read something new. And I admit, I kind of like the sappy love story. It was well written and the reader really gets a strong feeling for Andi and her lose. I wanted to cry at her heartache at losing the baby and got angry at Blaine for what he did (won't give away spoilers!) I loved the setting of a mountain lodge which will be the setting for future novels. I love how Aitken developed the relationship between Colin and Andi rather than them immediately jumping into bed together. She even has Andi develop a rule of no sex on the first date AND Colin respecting that. Which seems to be hard to find now-a-days.
A lot happens in this short novel that drags the reader into Colin and Andi's story. It leaves readers wanting more, and I was a little disappointed to find out that the next novel would not have the two lovers as the characters. I was hoping to see their relationship develop and grown beyond their time at the lodge. It almost felt like the book ended too quickly. Aitken did a wonderful job at creating the romance and bond between her characters, she made it so I could feel the connection from them. Almost made me wish I could find something like what they had, almost jealous! I finished this book within 5 hours or so, I couldn't put it down once I began reading it.
I highly recommend this novel for those who love a good romance novel, and for those who want a good novel to test the waters with. I would give this a 4 out 5 simply because it ended too quickly and I would love more from this couple. I will definitely be checking out more novels from Elena Aitken.
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