I don't know where to begin with this book. I began to read it and honestly could not put it down. I finished it within hours. Max has always been a staple author in my family's home, I have read several of his Christian Living books, but this is the first fiction novel of his that I have read. I was not disappointed. Many things addressed in this book were relate-able on a multitude of levels. I caught myself asking "If you could ask God one question, anything at all, what would it be?" Throughout the novel, Chelsea does not utilize the "God Blog" and tries to do everything on her own. I was slightly disappointed that there was not more of Chelsea finding God and turning to him more. I expected more of that, more of her realizing she needed God in order to survive, but that doesn't come until later in the novel. But I guess that describes how we are, we don't realize we need God until later in the story of our lives.
Max and his team develops the story nicely and moves it along at an easy pace. There were elements that reminded me of It's A Wonderful Life with the guardian angel coming to aid his charge. That is one of my favorite movies so it was easy to find a correlation. But that was an element I highly enjoyed as well. The aid not Chelsea needed, but also her children came in the form of a guardian angel. I couldn't help but chuckle when he watched Star Wars for the first time. I admit this is not normally a book I would pick up, but I am glad to have read it. While it is a fictional novel, it gives readers something to reflect on, even in the discussion questions at the end.
I would give this novel a 4 out of 5 because there were elements that seemed cliche and the main character not finding/utilizing her faith. I would recommend this to any of my friends who enjoy a Christian fiction. It is great for discussion groups and even study groups eager to learn new ways of reflecting on their walk with God. Every enjoyable.
**Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. **
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