The Lost Heir is a fantasy novel the follows the journey of Darrak Hunter as he struggles for his survival and finding a way to save Earth and the realm of Dragonath. It also follows those who desire to bring destruction to both worlds. It is a whirlwind of a story taking readers of a journey across realms with magic.
Darrak Hunter is a studious college student, spending much of his time studying hard to accomplish his goals. Suddenly his dreams become plagued with visions of a distant realm, one with purple clouds and purple sun. Upon waking he discovers Earth has taken on these eerie characteristics. Then a mysterious violet-eyed man appears in his room proclaiming he is needed in the world of Dragonath and whisks him away. Darrak is faced with magic being a reality and himself having these powerful abilities. Darrak is teamed with a prince, sword-smith, and a beautiful sorceress to overcome plots of betrayal, destruction, and stand against an enemy wielding powerful dark magic.
I don't have the words to begin describing how amazing this book was. Andi O'Connor does a stupendous job with her work. From the very beginning until the book ends the reader is a citizen of Dragonath traveling with Darrak and the others. She takes fantasy elements and makes them her own. She magic within her world but general sorcerers need to use a kraylock, a gem which houses their meno (magic) and something they are bound to, in order to cast a spell. But there are legends within the story of those who don't need the kraylock nor do they need to speak the spell out loud, those are Chosens. On top of that there is the dark magic of Halla, Dreamseeing and Dreamweaving along with healing, a type of necromancy called Vantelaith, where the caster calls upon the souls of the dead in order to help the caster to perform various acts such as healing or defensive tactics. I am sure there are more within this realm that we have yet to see.
As the companions struggle to overcome the plots of betrayal, they all learn that things cannot be accomplished on ones own but through teamwork and cooperation. As they group in their own strength, they also grow in strength together. The group learn of each others strengths and weakness and how to utilize both in the mist of battle. This novel hinges greatly on teamwork and realizing we cannot do everything on our own, sometimes we all need some help. All the characters are phenomenal and complex. Each one deals with a hardship in one form or another, including Mionee, who is the antagonist of the story. This story show true companionship, friendship, and what it really means to support one another.
Andi's descriptions are vivid and life like, even the purple non-moving clouds and sky. The garden Darrak decided to go to when he first Travels to Dragonath seems beautiful like a place I would sit and read in. The story flows beautifully together, not once did I think it was taking forever to get to the climax or think there wasn't enough descriptions. Everything was simply perfect.
I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys the fantasy genre. Andi goes above and beyond what fantasy is. She takes all the elements and creates something new with them. Something that is her own. Because of the unique aspect of her novel and the beauty in which she weaves her words, I give The Lost Heir a 5 out of 5. This novel is exactly what it means to create a tale that drags readers in. I anticipate reading her next novel: The Awakening.
If you haven't read the author interview with Andi O'Connor check it out. We get a glimpse at what makes her novels so compelling.
** I had the honor of receiving this novel from the author for an honest review **
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