This was an interesting novel. The character development was well done, especially Ron/Jude character. Reading the development of Rachel was exceptional. We watch as she begins to see him in a different light, see him as the person he is and not who she thinks him to be. The parts with the kidnapper were confusing with the references to the Hunter and The Normal and acceptance etc. It seemed like there was something more complex within the plot of who the kidnapper was than what was presented. It was difficult to understand what was actually being said in those sections, and honestly I skimmed through them faster than the other parts of the novel.
It was fairly well written with great descriptions of the characters and setting. There were things that were almost predictable, but others that threw you off guard. Might just be typical to have some things expected while others. The story is interesting with an interesting characteristic that the main character poses. T.L Hines does a good job getting his message across and relating the story he wanted. He does an excellent job at capturing his audience and holding them with the story. It's a good novel to pick up and read.
Cons: Story progression can be slow and a few unanswered questions
Bottom Line: It was a good read; it is enjoyable.
Rating 3.5 out of 5 stars
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